REA News

Latest posts

  • Solidarity with SEIU!

    We, the Richmond Education Association (REA), stand in solidarity with Service Employees International Union (SEIU) as they embark on their journey to get collective bargaining as Richmond City employees. Collective bargaining gives workers a voice at the table. It gives workers a say in their working conditions and improves the services provided to the public.…

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  • On George Wythe H.S.

    The Richmond Education Association (REA) understands that George Wythe High School has a dynamic history in Richmond and its students are pivotal to the future of our city.   We imagine the future of George Wythe to be bright, however it is imperative that all stakeholders work together in order to achieve our goal of…

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  • REA Proposed COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies 

    As our district navigates the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial that we listen to the voices of school-based staff. The REA has composed the following list of recommendations based on the input of the people who work in our buildings with students on a day-to-day basis. It is our hope that…

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