Our working conditions are the learning conditions of our students. Our public schools are underfunded, understaffed, and unequal. A culture of fear permeates many schools: education workers are afraid to act in defense of our rights as workers and the rights of our students. But it does not have to be this way: education workers can have a voice in the governance of our education system. Winning collective bargaining is the first step in this process.

Become an REA Member Today!
A strong union is the key to securing our rights and dignity and the job, and to defending and transforming public education!
By joining the REA you are adding your voice to more 1,200 education workers employed by Richmond Public Schools organizing and fighting for the schools Richmond students deserve! REA members get a voice and a vote in collective bargaining, participate in union meetings and committees, receive legal assistance and representation in employment disputes and disciplinary meetings, and get access to money-saving benefits.
Our contract is only as strong as our union, and our union is only as strong as our membership! Join the REA today!