REA News

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  • REA Wins Right to Represent City Educators in Contract Negotiations

    For Immediate Release April 16, 2022Contact:  Boaz Young-El, REA UniServ Director, 804-590-6980, The Richmond Education Association has won an election of city school employees, earning the right to become the exclusive representative in negotiations with Richmond Public Schools under Virginia’s new collective bargaining law. REA members and staff will now negotiate contracts for Richmond’s…

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  • RVA to Become School of Record!

    The Richmond Education Association (REA) has received confirmation that the workers of Richmond Virtual Academy (RVA) have won an important victory: RVA will be converted into a school of record. This was won through grassroots organizing and advocacy efforts led by RVA employees. Below is the message RVA employees received from RPS Superintendent Jason Kamras:…

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  • On Richmond Virtual Academy

    The Richmond Education Association (REA) supports the Richmond Virtual Academy (RVA) and its efforts to maintain equitable options to meet the diverse needs of Richmond Public Schools’ students and families. RVA has provided a safe space for students to learn and thrive without fear of direct or indirect exposure to COVID-19. Just as transmission of…

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