REA News

Latest posts

  • Campaign Launch

    The REA is proud to announce our campaign for collective bargaining in Richmond. Due to a recent change in state law that went into effect on May 1, 2021 (§ 40.1-57.2.), the REA has started a campaign to win collective bargaining agreements for RPS employees (members and non-members of the REA). If you support having…

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  • Organize to Bargain!

    This summer the REA is hosting regular Q & A sessions about collective bargaining in our district. These events are open to all RPS staff. You can register for a session below. Additional dates will be added soon! 6.16.21 REA: “Collective Bargaining Overview/Q & A Summer Session #2 (George Wythe High School)” Registration Form. 6.30.21…

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  • REA Elections

    The REA will be electing a new Board of Directors for 2021. More information coming soon!

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